Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Star Wars #42


Written by Kieron Gillen
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published Jan 17, 2018.

   Thanks to Chewbacca, Princess Leia breaks down the plans from the Leviathan. A small team will go aboard it to power down air defenses, making way for a larger one later. Meanwhile, Luke talks to Ubin about the loss of Chulco, later heaping praise on Rogue One when Leia walks in. They talk and settle on the fact that heroism often comes from hoping something will work.


   Later they land on top of the crawler and cut themselves in. On the bridge, Commander Kanchan is informed of the Partisan's upcoming raid. They respond by firing on Han and what was supposed to be the second team when Benthic is wounded.

Did that hurt?

   Back aboard the Leviathan, Luke prepares to storm the bridge, later debating with Leia about her staying with the droids. Meanwhile back on the Falcon, Han tells Chewie that he doubts Ubin's ability to lead. He apparently agrees and Han addresses the crew as the new captain. Later recapping the story, Han gets a big old wookie hug.

What a wookie!

   On the bridge, Kanchar gives the order to shoot down the newly detected Millennium Falcon. Luke has other plans, but with lightsaber in hand, the commander plans to put him to the test. It gives Han time to land though, and though coming under Imperial fire, they fight back.

Try?! Do or do not....

   The issue wraps with Leia watching Han fight on one of the monitors. Though it looks like he has the upperhand, the distraction is enough for Trios to sneak up on her. What will happen next? We'll have to wait ti find out as this issue is left to be continued.

Oh.. I didn't see you there.

   So while this series has really been on a roll, it seems like maybe five parts of the Ashes of Jedha is starting to hit a skid. While I'm usually not one to complain about a monthly book, it's tough to go on long arcs that span so much time. I'm still hanging on... but lets hope part six is the conclusion. I give this one a 7/10.

It's time to wind this one down, guys.
If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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