Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Action Comics #995


Written by Dan Jurgens
Penciled by Brett Booth
Cover by Trevor Scott
Published Jan 19, 2018

   Booster and Superman find themselves in Gotham City of the future along with one of the Eradicators. As the robot carries him, Supes feigns an injury while Booster clocks him. While they battle, Skeets informs them that Booster is a public disgrace in this timeline and the city's command picks up the evidence that he's back.

Guess who's back...

   Superman is angry he didn't get the answers he wanted on Krypton. He's able to eventually overpower the Eradicator as the police get closer and fire at them. Skeets tells them they need to leave, and Superman, the robot and the time sphere leave Booster to be rescued at some other time.

"Ok Skeets, let's go. I'm mad at Booster anyways..."

   Meanwhile Lois works to break into an air force base to find her father. What she isn't aware of is that Jon stowed away and is right behind her on her mission. At the same time, Booster awakens in a cell next to his abusive father as the federal agent that captured them smiles.

"Oh, hey asshole..."

   While Skeets and Superman ponder their next move, the AI tells him about Booster's abusive past. While the father and son fight in jail, Superman watches with his X-Ray vision. He needs to free the younger of the two without making his presence too known. He does so, and flicks the elder Carter into a cell wall. The two of them take to the sky and Skeets talks the Man of Steel into breaking into a science lab to get the necessary components to time jump again, while Booster makes somebody’s day.

"So Booster's a superhero, mom. Anyways, we need to go."

   With the computer’s permission, Superman fills Booster’s mother in on everything and she’s proud of her boy. Later they prepare to fly again, but the Eradicator wakes up unexpectedly and fries the controls. They crash... but wherever they are, they're in trouble as a massive Zod statue towers above them. With that, this issue is left to be continued.


   One of the interesting things about Booster Gold is how so many people in the DC universe point to his hidden, greater purpose. It's easy to pop him in and out of a series here and there, and interesting more that his creator, Dan Jurgens is currently penning this arc of Action. Still, I have to be honest - I'm looking forward to the Bendis advent, as... well.. just look at this synopsis. This is probably one of the longest reviews for just a single, non-extended issue I've ever written. (ETA - Upon review, this is completely untrue... sorry...)

I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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