Thursday, February 22, 2018

Batman #39


Written by Tom King
Penciled by Joelle Jones
Cover by Mikel Janin
Published Jan 17, 2018

   As Commissioner Gordon sits in his office, he notices someone turned on the bat signal. He goes to the top and sees Wonder Woman, who thought this would be a fun way to call up Batman. Once there, she tells him that the Gentle Man has contacted her.

Hey heeeeeeey!

   To recap, he's apparently a timeless warrior who forever battles demons. Now he wants a vacation. Catwoman asks if this isn't more Superman's thing, and later laughs at Bruce's bat armor. Wonder Woman also mocks him, and with that, opens the portal.

In fairness, Selina is wearing a leather cat suit.

   In this dimension, the two of them fight demons and monsters, while Selina is left to show the Gentle Man the sights of Gotham. Wonder Woman gets flirty while Bats is furiously busy battling, while in the real world, Cat takes the stranger to Bat Burger.


   Batman and Wonder Woman continue fighting, and the longer they're in this dimension, it takes a toll. Back in Gotham, Selina learns the stranger is married and time passes slowly. The issue wraps with Bruce and Diana getting tired of fighting, but the portal must be opened from the outside. The hours they've been gone translates to almost a decade. As they draw in for what looks like some soon to be makeout action, we're left to be continued.

It's just 10 years. Y'all can handle it...

   So perusing the web, it looks like this issue falls flat with readers for a few different reasons. First of all, DC has tried to move Wonder Woman past having any supposed typical female romance weaknesses, and Tom King brings that right back into the mix. I was more annoyed that he would move back and forth between subjects with every page. Either way, even when this book is bad, it's still pretty decent. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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