Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Phoenix Resurrection #2


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Carlos Pancheco
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
Published Jan 3, 2018

   294 miles above earth, an astronaut on a spacewalk sees a massive burst of light behind the planet. At the same time, a young Jean Gray dreams, levitating things in her room before awakening after they crash down.

Must have been some dream.

   The next morning she leaves for work and sees Jamie cutting the lawn. Nothing seems out of the ordinary but she's clearly preoccupied. Meanwhile, the X-Men discuss recent events. Logan is certain it's the Phoenix. Problem is that all of the teams physics are now missing... All of them except Cable.

Don't forget... Cable's a little tiny bit psychic.

   At Annie's Diner, Jean takes an order from a familiar, older gentleman. His name is Erik and he was friends with her old teacher, Mr. Claremont.. get it? Back at HQ, Cable is strapped into Cerebro. While it's not exactly old hat, he knows enough... Soon though, the machine shocks him, eventually exploding and throwing him back.


   Jeanie goes into the kitchen with the order and tells her boss about the nightmares. Things are off. Annie suggests she speak with Dr MacTaggert. Suddenly the orders ready, in what is apparently the fastest breakfast making kitchen in the universe... but Erik is nowhere to be found.

Namedropping Chris Claremont and then the jerk didn't even pay for his coffee!

   Back at the institute, Kitty breaks the most marketable X-Men into teams but nothing appears amiss. Finally at what I assume is the old mansion, Iceman's team runs smack dab into Magneto. He seems to be looking past them but they attack anyway. In the middle of the fight, he orders a drink. Laura Kinney gets close enough and seemingly strikes a blade into him but he disappears.

Just like he bailed in the diner.

   The issue wraps at the diner. Erik orders another cup. He explains his whole missing thing as running out because he thought he saw some people he knew. Only this time, his nose is bleeding. None of that really matters though as it appears the town is in flames at the behest of the gigantic, flaming Phoenix. What happens next though will have to wait, as this issue is left to be continued.

Just another day in X-MenVille.

   So I was hoping this issue would tighten things up a little bit. It did not. Either way, I'm still giving it the benefit of the doubt. The potential to make an amazing story out of this is still there. And like I said a few days ago, I like Kitty as a leader. But this seems EXACTLY like an issue of X-Men Gold to me, with a little Jean Gray thrown in. Maybe they all can't be winners but Phoenix, you still got me hanging on. Just pick it up a little. I give this one a 6/10. 

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