Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Invincible Iron Man #596


Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Stefano Caselli and Alex Maleev
Cover by Mike Deodato Jr.
Published Jan 17, 2018

   Riri, her mother and her Stark AI confront the Stark board. She agrees to hand them over all of her tech, even though it was gifted to her by Tony Stark. Obviously her mother is upset, but as Riri explains it gets the heat off them. Plus she still has backups.

Shut up, Riri. Or they'll take those too.

   Meanwhile in France, Doom is confronted by the Hood, Corrupter and Living Laser. They’re still little match for his magic though. As he forces the Hood to put his own pistol to his head, the Corruptor gets him from behind. On the ropes, he tells them to leave but they persist. Finally he overcomes them, and the Hood blows the Corruper away. Doom wins, but it should have never gotten that close...

Well homey - he DID tell you to leave.

   Elsewhere Tony languishes in his Model 3 armor and talks with his drunken father. He asks why Tony has always been afraid to ask for help while Tony hits back with keeping his adoption a secret. They trade barbs but in the end, Tony cries out. And he cries out for his old friend Rhodey.

Better be careful or the Punisher is gonna show up.

   Over the New Jersey turnpike, Amanda, MJ, Friday and AI Tony hone in on one of his last locations. They breeze past security and Tony’s mother runs to the armor lying on the ground. It’s unfortunately empty but finding at least that renews her hope.

Oh snap, Amanda. You pulled your boy's head off?!

    The issue wraps with Riri making a phone call. She’s agreed to, um.. what I assume is to talk to the press when she’s interrupted. Vampire hunter extraordinaire Blade tells her to hang up. He thinks he’s got a better offer. What will happen next? We’ll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.

According to pop culture, it's time for Blade to show up again.

   After Infamous Iron Man ended, I didn’t know what to expect with the merging of these two books, along with this two book’s artists. It’s been a tremendous success as the book flows perfectly with very little drag. Proof still we’ll be missing Brian as he leaves this book but still leaves it in some amazing hands. Dan Slott will have a lot to work with as he takes over yet another legendary character. The search for Tony has proved to be an awesome arc. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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