Monday, February 12, 2018

Cable #153


Written by Ed Brisson
Penciled by Jon Malin
Cover by Jon Malin
Published Jan 10, 2018

   In the far off future, Gideon awakens and is welcomed by Eve, his robotic guardian. They further encounter monstrous humanoids, eventually enslave them and later find Cable’s robo-arm in the X-Mansion. He announces they’re leaving and eventually returns to the past to kill fellow External Candra.

What you gonna do with that arm, baw?

   Two days later, Cable and his band of mutants fight off hordes of brainwashed psychics. Doop wakes up in time to encase them in a shield but escaping before Gideon can get farther is paramount. Finally a self destruct countdown initiates, and Cable calls Armor and all the rest of his team in close and eventually they completely explode.

Quick! Everybody come over here so we can die!

   The rest of the Externals blink to Washington where they stand before Gideon. Selene orders them to attack when Absolom stabs Crule in the back. Obviously the only way to die is suicide by other Externals and he obviously had a deal with Gideon. He later takes out Nicodemus while Gideon works on Selene. He’s just about to pounce when Blink pops the two out of there. Absolom asks for death but Gideon refuses... for now anyway, as he’s still of use in the fight vs Selene.

Ummmmm... Embarassing...

   Back at Gideon’s fortress, a massive arm smashes through the debris. Thanks to Cable’s coaching, Armor was able to stretch her forcefield to protect the entire team. Unfortunately though Gideon took the Blackbird, leaving them stranded. they start walking when they ask about Cable’s former bodysliding abilities. But as luck would have it, 2 people suddenly show up that can make it all a little bit easier. Blink and a bloodied Selene will help them find Gideon as long as they’ll kill him. With that, this issue is left to be continued.

You help me, I help you...

   Yet another excellent chapter from Ed Brisson with stunning art from Jon Malin. This series almost feels like it’s cut from the same cloth of those final Liefield New Mutants and first couple X-Force books from the 90’s. It reads quickly, as he seems unwilling to develop these characters at the moment - though likely on the horizon. Armor and Wolverine are definitely reserve X-Men but he gives them potential. And I enjoy seeing where he plans to take them. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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