Monday, February 19, 2018

All New Wolverine #29


Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Juann Cabal
Cover by Elizabeth Torque
Published Jan 17, 2018

   Old Man Logan lies dead on a table with a Murumasa bullet in his brain, while Henry Sutter and his mistress Amber promise to each other to kill X-23 together. Meanwhile, Murumasa himself drains parts of Laura, Gabby and Daken’s souls to forge armor. They lie about recovering when Laura smells death. She runs back to tell her aunt and cousin to seek refuge and muster the other 2 wolvie clones.

Guys wake up. I smell something.

   Once they’ve gathered on the front lawn, the Hand soldiers attack. They fell them easily when Gabby takes a bullet in the leg. Daken carries her up the hill. Once inside, they’re attacked by the Orphans of X when Laura deflects their bullet. The Wolverine is clad in Murumasa armor. Amber address her and tells her Sabertooth, Lady Deathstrike, and Logan are all dead. She attacks with claws drawn and shatters the Hand soldiers. Daken asks Megan for her cellphone and appears to perform some sort of horrible self-surgery.

Can I borrow your phone?

   He storms outside and yells to Laura he’s planning for them to capture him. He does just that, before one of the older Orphans tells Amber to retreat as he must now face Gorgon. He does so and is immediately decapitated. When the leader of the Hand bows before Murumasa, he’s told to bring Wolverine and her people wherever they choose to go as an atonement. 

Gorgon: Nice to Wolverine. Mean to Daredevil.

   She tracks Megan’s phone to a warehouse in Brooklyn. Wolverine and Honey Badger enter and leave a trail of dead behind them. When they finally find Daken, he lies upon the table dead. Laura pops a claw and tells Gabby it’s time for an impromptu brain surgery. And with that,  we’re left to be continued. 


   This series is definitely on an upswing. While Tom Taylor still has a tendency to pepper his stories with cuteness, usually out of nowhere...I’ve kind of come to expect it at this point, so anytime I don’t get a dose of it, I have a hard time doling out any criticism. This was one of those. With Logan coming back from the dead, I still feel like he’s apt to claim his namesake back. When to expect that though - who knows? I give this one a 9/10..

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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