Saturday, February 24, 2018

Justice League #37


Written by Christopher Priest
Penciled by Philippe Briones
Cover by Pete Woods
Published Jan 17, 2018

   As the Justice League takes heat from all angles, we learn about their biggest fan. He talks about his buddy Diesel who was once saved by the League. Later they saved him too, and he went on to serve in the military. But today he's kidnapped Simon Baz. Critical of there being too many lanterns, he's managed to get the ring off Baz's finger.

Pretty good shape for a smoker.

   Meanwhile Jessica gives Batman an earful for sending Baz into danger dressed as Bruce. While that's going on, Regina Cole appears on the Roland Knox program defending the Justice League. Back in St Louis, Jessica walks into the bar that Cyborg tracked their latest subject to. She find a a note and the building explodes - destroying the evidence of his being there but not before Jess got a snapshot of the crime scene.

Batman must have something against the Lanterns too.

   At the Fan's apartment, he explains to Baz his goal is to drain his ring to rid the world of more Lanterns. While on the Watchtower, Simon reflects on his ability to one day lead the team. He's interrupted by news that the perpetrator has infiltrated their systems while Flash's assistance hurts more than it helps. 

Flash screws it all up again.

   Baz finally overpowers the inhibitor, but as he tries to put the ring back on, realizes it was never off his finger to begin with. He takes to the air informing the League of the guy's intentions, while the fan lands on Knox's set dressed as another Green Lantern. His shot is deflected by Wonder Woman in disguise, later seeing Aquaman, Batman, and Jessica on set as well. But just as they figure out what's going on, he begins to beam them out. What will happen next? We'll have to wait for what’s next as this issue is left to be continued.


   I don’t think it’s any surprise that I’m completely enamored with Priest’s writing here. For what seems like forever, this book has been playing it safe... Not being at all edgy and taking no chances. It’s no doubt that it was ripe for some changes and what a change it’s been. The Fan is going to be an interesting foe for this team and I can’t wait to see how he wraps it up. I give this one a 9/10.

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