Saturday, February 17, 2018

Phoenix Resurrection #3


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Joe Bennett
Cover by Leinil Frances Yu
Published Jan 10, 2018

   Jean Gray is having a nightmare. Still wearing her waitress uniform, she’s piloting a space shuttle over the water when it crashes. When she comes to, she’s on the floor of a supermarket. Ignoring their pleas to wait for a doctor, she takes off but outside, has a tough time getting her car to start.

"Are you sure those are even your keys?!"

   Not too far away, a son and father go fishing when the massive, flaming Phoenix rises from the water as they swim to safety. Meanwhile the X-Men ask questions and look for answers, finding yet another one when they discover Jean Gray’s grave empty. At the same time, she meets with Mr. Patch the mechanic, eventually losing control of a telekinetic event. He blames it on an earthquake while the wounds he just suffered mysteriously heal.

Do I know you?

   In London, the X-Men track down one of the last psychics they can think of, Emma Frost. She tells them during some of Scott’s lax moments, he’d think of Jean in New Mexico. Meanwhile the Jeanie from the diner runs from a ghostly version of her future self. She gets him and locks the door behind her. She erupts, and with the house in flames all around her, the Dark Phoenix floats down for a chat.


   The issue wraps in New Mexico, where the X-Men gather to search. Finally Magik gets a hunch, and using her soulsword she cuts into the landscape and lighted dome appears. As a door in it opens, they debate their next move. What that is though is something we’ll have to wait for as this issue is left to be continued.

I don't really understand what's going on.

   One of the few things I find irritating with this series is the revolving door of artists. I think Marvel thinks that’s just the coolest thing since sliced bread, but it’s happening at such a rate these days that it makes me think there’s something wrong. What’s the problem with letting a creative team gel? What’s the problem with allowing one person man the pencils if they obviously have so many at their disposal? Like Astonishing X-Men as well, this miniseries has been plagued with a new artist every issue. Seems to hurt more than it could help. I give this one an 8/10.

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