Friday, February 16, 2018

The Punisher #220


Written by Matthew Rosenberg
Penciled by Guiu Villanova
Cover by Clayton Crain
Published Jan 10, 2018

   In Chernaya, some soldiers round up a dissident student when the Punisher arrives. He asks where Petrov is and they give him the wrong answer. When he gets back to the ground, the student describes it part of Petrov’s morality laws when his mother come out to feed Frank. Later the Punisher is informed of the other labor camps in the area, and he takes action.

Sounds like somebody has some killing to do!

   Outside of one, he launches missiles takes out all the exterior guards. Inside they attempt to return fire but obviously give him little resistance. They decide to execute their hostages but Frank has ideas against that as well. When he finally doesn’t get the answers to Petrov’s location, he decides to draw the leader to him.

Well, it looks like that's about everybody in Chernaya, Frank.

   The Punisher summarily frees camp after camp, unti night falls and there’s but one left. Finding it abandoned, he’s blasted in the back. A SHIELD decorated soldier demands he stand down, but realizes after a few minutes on the battlefield, an older but more confident and willing opponent can eventually get the upperhand.

Or.. upper thumbs.

   With alarm’s blaring, Frank’s A.I. informs him there are imminent threats. The Punisher keeps the rogue SHIELD agents talking until his repulsers are back online. He’s able to hold his own momentarily, even impressing his adversaries until thrusters come back online. He takes off, and failing to outrun them, stops short and takes another one out. But with missiles incoming, he finally fails to evade them and is struck powerless. As he falls into the sea, the former SHIELD agents think they took out the Punisher. Only time will tell if that’s true, as we’re all left to be continued.


   So I think I mentioned this before, but can Frank just keep the War Machine suit forever? This is almost like a match made in comic book heaven. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason to ever give it back. The ability to make the Punisher almost infinitely more interesting far outweighs anything anybody else could do with the armor. I mean look.. SHIELD even has a few more of them left over. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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