Thursday, August 10, 2017

X-Men Gold #8

Written by Marc Guggenheim
Penciled by Ken Lashley
Cover by Ardian Syaf
Published July 19, 2017

   Fresh off the last issue, Prestige is able to zip the mutant serial killer's bullet back at him. He recovers quickly, and fires at them en masse though can't hit the phasing Kitty Pryde. Rockslide calls her on comms but seeing as she's busy, the killer is able to take advantage and incapacitate Rachel Summers.

   Meanwhile Santo explains how he's found a cache of explosives capable of leveling the mansion. Kitty runs to their aid but can't disarm the trigger. Meanwhile Logan and Storm are able to get to Nightcrawler in time to save him from the crazed anti-mutant crowd. Back at the mansion, Kitty orders Dust and Colossus to evacuate with the quickness though the unarmored Colossus can't help but run back inside.
   There's a brief aside of some Russians handing over Arkady Rossovich, AKA Omega Red's body to the Hand.
Say - what you guys need with this old thing?!

 Meanwhile a sword wielding Kitty finds the assassin and attacks, but not before being hit with a power dampener. From there the fight's even. Pistols clang against swords and punches are traded. He finally gets his weapon trained on her and he tells her he's had enough. He plans to kill her in revenge for his wife and son dying in mutant battles as innocent bystanders. Just as he pulls the trigger, Peter Rasputin jumps in the way. He's shot in the shoulder before Rockslide uses the distraction to pummel the mutant killer.
Newsflash: Colossus In The Way. Again.

   Kitty dismantles the bomb. As Manhattan is now clear of Hydra's dome, the police take the killer away. The issue wraps with her being handed an invitation to testify. Seems a new Mutant Deportation Act hangs in the balance but with that, we're left to be continued.
   I picked a really good time to go on vacation last week. When I got back, there was 15-20 comics in my box.. all in various stages of Secret Empire's events unfolding. It was a little tough to deal with. Either way, now that the Hydra dome is down and these X-Men have found their killer, things should get back to normal. Only problem is that Omega Red is apparently looming in the background so clearly they won't have much downtime. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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