Thursday, August 3, 2017

Deadpool #33

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Matteo Lolli
Cover by David Lopez
Published July 12, 2017

     Months ago, back when Captain America was an old man... and still supposedly a good guy, he asked Deadpool to join a special group of Avengers called the Unity Squad. Take down Red Skull? Ok. That sounds normal. Stay away from ok. Kill Agent Phil Coulson? Well things might not be so normal after all.

   Deadpool is summoned to Ellie's school. Another fight and another expulsion. He punches the principal out and they swipe his wallet. As they ride away, Ellie asks for her mom and Deadpool has a decision to make. Not long ago, Preston was summoned by SHIELD to come in and help with the dome over Manhattan. The agents pulled up to escort her in, though 4 agents seems a little excessive. It seems that her synthetic skin could allow her to penetrate the dome, but their explanation seems off. She realizes they're compromised and attacks, eventually escaping.

   She meets Deadpool on the way and tells him what's up. She's convinced Coulson knew something was going on. Wade tries to steer her back to Manhattan, explaining that Captain America thought Coulson had gone bad. When they get to the SHIELD safe house, she watches the footage and sees Deadpool killing him. She tears up and tells him there's something he should know about Ellie. She used to call the man he killed Uncle Phil.
Preston actually kinda looks like Uncle Phil too.

   Deadpool explains to Ellie that things aren't like they should be right now, and they'll have to move to a few different schools. Also how she's got a mutant gene that will make her a wanted person. She doesn't take the news very well. Meanwhile, he walks back into the Hydra base with another B-list superhero, 3D man. They're expecting Hawkeye - the leader of the resistance. Wade tells them he's working on it.
He's almost as cool as 4-D man.

   The issue wraps with Deadpool calling his buddy Pete and telling him he has a job. It dioesn't pay well and it involves him going to jail. Pete asks what he's talking about but whatever it is will have to wait, because this issue is left to be continued.
   Gerry Duggan is in a roll right now and doing a phenomenal job. While the events of Secret Empire are pretty serious all across the Marvel universe, Deadpool is able to keep it campy which is exactly what you need with a crossover like this. What will happen remains a mystery but at least there's some well needed humor injected here. I give this one a 9/10.

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