Monday, August 7, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #6

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Aaron Kuder
Cover by Aaron Kuder
Published July 19, 2017

   The Guardians confront Gamora, who hasn't been acting right since they all fought Thanos on Earth. She levels with them. She was once dead and living in the Soul Stone. She and a group of others eventually left it to face Thanos. Only problem is that part of her soul was left behind. She must be complete again and finding that particular infinity gem is the only way.
The soul stone looked pretty dope. Why'd she wanna leave?

   The rest are skeptical, and as she storms off to the front of the ship, the vessel shifts and anti-gravity is disabled. They're being attacked and boarded by Raptors - the rightful owners of the stolen ship they're on. Once inside, the Guardians fight back... killing them one at a time. One of them heads for the bunks with Star Lord in tow. The raptor cuts through a wall and there lays a mummified body in a spacesuit. He fires a cable and incapacites Quill, even more disconcerting, calling him by name. Groot pops out of nowhere and kills him when another runs out and escapes with the body.
Nothing like getting a tree through the eyes...

   Rocket grabs one of Gamora's swords and takes off into space behind him. He stabs the raptor but is wounded in the process. Rocket grabs the corpse and blasts back to the Milano but the Raptor fires a grappling hook at the corpse. The arm tears off and Rocket escapes. Back onboard, Quill freezes one of the last remaining claimers when they hear a loud sound. A still pacified Drax kills the last one though is now ashamed of his action. 

   They all collect themselves and realize the corpse arm wears an extremely rare and powerful nega-band. They plan to chase behind the surviving raptor for the other but Rocket passes out... poisoned by the tips of it's claws. They quickly carry him to the sickbay.
   The issue wraps with the Groot-like cultivating monk guy crashing his ship on an alien planet. As the local forces close in, the little creatures emerge. They're hostile and obviously an attack is imminent. IT will have to wait however, as this issue is left to be continued.
   In the 90's, I was a fan of the rather forgetful series DarkHawk. I recognized the Raptors as Shi'ar Warriors but forgot that Darkhawk came from an offshoot of them. It was kinda cool to see him again, although this version of that costume is on the wrong side of good vs. bad.. I guess, depending on whether you see the Guardians of the Galaxy as good guys or pirates. Either way, this was an awesome issue. Great story connecting Gamora's past to the present, and cool fight sequences. I give this one an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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