Saturday, August 19, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #7

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Greg Smallwood
Cover by Aaron Kuder
Published Aug 2, 2017

   Drax and Gamora sit meditating but the Destroyer still has trouble quieting his mind. Gamora asks what happened to make him turn to pacifism. He'd gone hunting on a remote planet and discovered the game had been slaughtered by poachers. Worse yet, they dabbled in the slave trade. The leader asks his name. Drax tells him his name is Peter Quill, afraid they wouldn't fight him if they knew who he was.
Call me Star Lord.

   The fight turned bloody fast. As he fells the slavers, their regent stands last. Not proving to be much of a fight again, he strikes the master to the ground. As the slaves keep asking for peace - and trying to barter, Drax assumes they fear that he'll be their next owner. They beg as the master says he wouldn't dare kill him... because...
Come see what I did for you guys!

   He doesn't wait for an answer. After he kills them he swells with pride. He turns to free the slaves but they all cry out in anguish. Slowly they all fall to the ground. The destroyer had killed them all. And with their deaths, his spirit for battle. It seems the slaver had bound his own life to the slaves through their brands. Their cries for peace Drax took as a weakness.

   He asks Gamora about the soul gem - particularly the avatar of himself being more sensitive, as an image of him playing a saxophone appears. She tells him to ask again some other time. It's true Drax was not always the way he was. Part of him still feels locked away. Fixing it will happen... but it's gonna take some time. With that this issue is concluded.
   I lamented before about this book and it's jumpy numbering and volumes. It appears that with Marvel Legacy, it will soon be reverting to it's original volume numbering with issue #146 and I couldn't be happier. Finally a number which truly pays homage to the number of books that have come before it. For this issue, I always enjoy a one shot story and this one being no exception. Drax is a complex character and his backstory, regardless of how recent, deserves more development. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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