Tuesday, August 29, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #8


Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Marcus To
Cover by Aaron Kuder
Published August 16, 2017
   The team works dillegently on Rocket, desperate to save him from the poison one of the Raptors infected him with. Peter suits up and using the one nega-band he has, boards their ship and attacks.. 

   He punches Talonar through the side of the ship. There with each of them having one of the bands, they face off. An explosion knocks them from space and onto the surface of a nearby planet. Meanwhile back on the Milano, Gamora needs Rocket's assistance on how to get the ship moving again while Groot tries to comfort him.
   Back on the planet, Talonar crashes as well. Peter demands the antidote for Rocket's poison but their fight continues. As Quill tries to rise, the Raptor stomps on his helmet, eventually triggering an explosion. In the confusion, Star Lord gets the upperhand and drags the "Darkhawk cover band" back to it's ship.
Come with me if you want to live!

   He drags Taloner into a lab, who tells him his friend is probably already dead. Through some negotiating, he gets the antidote. Using the band to open a portal, he throws the other into it, sending the Raptor scrambling after it. In parts unknown, he later finds himself on a planet destroyed by Ultron, with likely quite a battle on the horizon.
So... you guys ever read Darkhawk back in the 90's?

   Star Lord reaches his ship with antidote in hand. Finding Rocket in a baby carrier strapped to Gamora, he administers the drug. Later he has to tell Gamora that he lost the other band - an item that could have curried favor with the Grandmaster. The issue wraps with Groot looking like he's finally sensing what might be keeping him from regenerating. One of the seedlings the mystery man has been cultivating now walks hulkingly with various body parts in his path. He says "I AM HUNGRY!!!" and with that, we're left to be continued.
I. Am. Hangry!

   When I was a kid, one of the first Marvel series I was actually able to hold the #1 issue in my hands for was Darkhawk. I actually still have it in my collection. Marvel Legacy is bringing back the 51st issue as a one shot to the series. Seeing the Raptors is a cool little homage and it makes me psyched to see how the character has held up. As far as this issue, it was great. The fact that a nega-band is so rare, and that Quill would fight over and barter them to save his best friend is telling. Great artwork from new penciler Marcus To as well. I give this one a 10/10.

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