Friday, August 11, 2017

X-Men Blue #8

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Corey Smith
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published July 26, 2017

   Jean Gray and Jimmy Hudson awake in the woods following the most recent attack, some wrecked more than others. The Blackbird soon arrives overhead - talking to them. Meanwhile in the Mutant Capital City of New Tian, Scott Summers squares off with the girlfriend he doesn't know he ever really had, Emma Frost. Back to her old Hellfire Club ways, she psychically attacks him in some real Stage Four Clinger Type Action.
She's pretty hot, Scott. Just join the Hellfire Club.

   The other three captured X-Men discuss their options in a cell. Even the newly rough-trained mystic, Beast can't spell himself out of the power dampeners. Elsewhere in much nicer conditions, Briar Raleigh asks her captor Havok what angle he's playing. He tells her they're looking for Magneto. She tells him that if Magneto is indeed alive, they'll be hearing from him soon enough. 
Ferris is worried that Magneto's NOT worried.

   That may be sooner than Havok is ready for, though. In the safe house in the hills of Vietnam, Magneto seems hardly concerned by the missing X-Men. He stares at the head of Red Skull in a box, a hint that may or may not refer to the brain of Charles Xavier from the Uncanny Avengers a few books back. Either way, he has already sent them help.
   High above the clouds, Jean and Jimmy soar inside the talking Blackbird. They leap into action in Utopia, fighting Hellfire flunkies when the strike team from the woods attacks. Outmanned and outnumbered, suddenly the entire X-Men roster from past and present fights alongside of them. 
Maybe you could get it to show Excalibur for a discounted rate.

Danger projects an illusion and the two of them escape.
   They walk into a stare down with Havok. But barely after Jimmy pops his claws, Havok is knocked across the floor. There stands before them his old flame Polaris - daughter of Magneto. The reunion proves to likely be painful but it's gonna have to wait for next time because this issue is left to be continued.
Not Quicksilver. Not Scarlet Witch. Magneto's other kid...

   Cullen Bunn seems to be obsessed with introducing as many old villains and members of the X-Men as possible - and you know what? That's totally cool with me. From Black Tom Cassidy to Polaris, he's on a real tear and with all due respect to the Stepford Cuckoos - this is just what the X-Men needed. While he's not recreating the wheel or anything, a title this storied deserves some props to the old school. Hopefully he keeps it up. I give this one a 9/10.

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