Monday, August 28, 2017

Justice League #27


Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Fernando Pasarin
Cover by Bryan Hitch
Published Aug 16, 2017

   The children of the Justice League tour the Watchtower for the first time in a long time. Cyborg scans them while their parents naturally have a hard time with the info. Three of them are Green Lantern Jessica's, one of which was fathered by Flash and named after Barry's mom. Wonder Woman knows their telling the truth and is confronted by her supposed son - angry that she allegedly abandoned him. He grabs her lasso and confirms it - while Jessica calms her future, and currently very upset daughter. 
Way to go, mom!

   Superman tells everybody to take a breath. Jessica and Flash's children have a moment with them while Cyborg meets his son Cube. Dory meets her Queen mother, Mera who's quite happy to meet her in return while Hunter explains how Superman adopted him. Simon asks if any of them are his, and they inform him that he became head of the Yellow Lanterns after killing Sinestro.
   Cube syncs with Cyborg and shows them why they're there. They had normal childhood lives, but a superhuman war took their parents from them. Before they left, they hid the children away and never returned. Mera's daughter claimed her throne in Atlantis but an evil presence known as Sovereign smashed Olympus into the Earth and now rules it. 
Kinda just looks like a girl Ultron. Somebody get Marvel's lawyers on the horn.

   Obviously a lot to take in, the League offers to take the children in. Jessica and Flash make arrangements, Superman calls Lois and Mera plans to bring Dory back to Atlantis. The kids discuss just enjoying the moment and NOT disclosing the reason they're actually there while an emotional Wonder Woman broods.
   The issue wraps at the Batcave. Batman continues research on the Kindred but his computer is acting odd. They're signals are being targeted to earth. Batman tries to send the signal to the Watchtower but the computer refrences playing a game with Aquaman. Smoke fills the room and Batman is knocked bloody and unconscious by the future Cyborg infused Aquaman.. With that we're left to be continued.

   If there's one thing that I've noticed about most team-ups in comics, it's there's gonna be a lot of words. This Justice League book is clearly no exception, but considering the story, I'm totally ok with it. I'm sure this is is the launch of a new title like Justice Kids or Teen Justice League or the New Teen Justice League Titans but either way, it works. Bryan Hitch's writing is excellent. I just wish he'd pencil it to because Pasarin's art makes everyone's faces look juiced up and meaty. That's my only complain and yeah.. it's a stretch. I give this one a 9/10

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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