Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Justice League #25

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Tom Derenek
Cover by Bryan Hitch
Published July 19, 2017

   Molly the Timekeeper recants a tale to Batman. Millennia ago, the Shirak would infect world populations and let the virus spread. One day, the Green Lanterns showed up. They fought back and eventually killed Shirak. His final play cast stones of his essence into the universe and though most were destroyed, one fell to Earth. 
Just what we needed! More Molly ramblings.

   Batman asks her why she's telling him this and she says it's all about Rebirth. Meanwhile at Cyborg's old University, he and Simon Baz talk and their conversation ambles towards Baz avoiding the Mosque. He says it's too much pressure. Meanwhile teacher Phil Cox loses it and threatens to kill a child. Cyborg and Green Lantern leap into action, but can't save him. One of Shirak's stones falls to the ground from his corpse.  
"GROSS" yelled the kids!

   Molly's warnings continue. All of these happenings have occurred over and over. But more evil is reawakening today than before. Back at the college, Mr. Cox begins to morph and Baz's ring senses it. Shirak lives! Realizing he has a chance to get back at the lanterns, he grabs Simon and pummels him into the ground.
   Once outside, Shirak violently throws him into the side of a truck before finally the Justice League show up. Flash encircles the three mile perimeter to encase the infected while the rest of them fight with non-lethal force. Superman blows them all over while the lanterns combine light energy but they're slowly all losing the battle.
Five of the SEVENTEEN words Superman said in this 29 page chronicle.

   They slowly all become to turn into the legion of infected when Baz has an idea. Meanwhile while Batman just keeps on blabbing with Molly about God knows what, Simon jumps up and puts his ring into the monster's chest. Along with what Cyborg has uploaded, It rewires the alien tech and slowly all of the infection in the people begins to disconnect.
   Simon explodes the monster out of a very confused Phil. The Justice League celebrates while the issue wraps with Molly issuing some doomsday prophecies. With that this issue is concluded.
Aw shutup, Molly. kthxbye!

   This wasn't a very good chapter in the lives of the Justice League. It feels like they told Bryan Hitch to come up with a really quick story that rambled for 10 extra pages to make it a double sized issue. Something that could kind of rehash some crap from the timeless issue a few connected issues back, before they'd let him switch gears. I guess that's cool but meh. It was boring and didn't really hook me. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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