Thursday, August 3, 2017

Uncanny Avengers #25

Written by Jim Zub
Penciled by Kim Jacinto
Cover by RB Silva
Published July 12, 2017

   After thwarting a robbery attempt, Rogue now works with villains Scorpia and the Shocker to survive against a horde of monsters. And if taking orders wasn't already hard enough for them to do, Rogue struggles to be able to give them on any level in the first place.
Just in case anybody needed it, here's some more complaining from Rogue.

  Meanwhile Synapse, Human Torch, and Wasp fight a possessed Doctor Voodoo. Johnny moves to blast the creature but as it might hurt Jericho's body, he shoots a wall of flame at the incoming beasts instead while Synapse links to Voodoo's displaced spirit. Back in the sewers, the villains are able to take a breath and Rogue reminds them there's still some unfinished business. A massive creature pops up from beneath and towers over them. Rogue grabs the two of them and shoots through a manhole with the monster in tow. Back topside, Voodoo's spirit calms Synapse before starting some magic incantations to free him, while Wasp and Human Torch keep fighting until the neighborhood watch can take charge.
Dontcha think that's just a little too forward, Jericho.

   The fight between Voodoo and his possessed body ramps up, and as they trade blow after blow, they realize they're gonna need more power. Rogue and her, um, team fly into the monster's mouth and battle it from the inside out. Once defeating it, she hears Synapse hailing her for more muscles. She takes off and crashes into the demon's side. Asking what they need, she pulls the shadow parasite from Voodoo's body, causing a massive energy explosion. It's felt city-wide, with an array of heroes feeling it's aftershock.
Apparently nobody else in the city was doing ANYTHING!

   The issue ends with the Unity Squad dusting each other off and Voodoo reminds them that the darkforce creatures will return Wasp asks Rogue about what the definition of team should be. The conversation will have to wait though as this issue is finally concluded.
     As the former Unity Squad's roster continues to shrink, this just goes to show that a slimmed down version of a team is definitely easier to keep tabs on. I don't know how long it will finally take to bring down the dome over Manhattan but if it comes down anytime soon, I'm sure these heroes will have something to do with it. I give this one a 9/10.

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