Thursday, December 8, 2016

Superman #10

In The Name Of The Father, part 1

Written by Patrick Gleason and Peter J Tomasi
Penciled by Patrick Gleason
Cover by Patrick Gleason
Published Nov 2, 2016

   Jon-El prepares for Christmas break and hanging out with his friend Kathy, much to the chagrin of his crappy classmate Walter, when he meets a new schoolmate - Maya - who turns out to be some sort of cybernetic stooge reporting about the presence of Superboy. Meanwhile Jon goes traipsing around some spooky swamp for some reason, nearly setting a forest fire when he's snagged by some unknown kiddy superheroes and brought to Gotham. There's he tied to a gurney for interrogation by Robin - Damian Wayne. Fortunately for him, his daddy Batman shows up and dashes their hopes. Unfortunately for all of them however, Superman soon follows.
   Batman and Supes argue about their kids kidnapping each other, eventually having a big Justice League father bonding moment. Robin shows Superboy around his animal collection, to which their comments to each other result in another skirmish. Eventually their fighting destroys some kind of lab Batman of course has, and he and Superman look at them both like they're about to get a major buttwhoopin. With that the issue ends, and we're left to see what happens between what I will assume will become some future Teen Titans faction, or what have you.
   Good book. It was a quick read and at least a little more rich in story than it's two previous counterparts. I couldn't help but read everything Robin said in his voice from Teen Titans Go, but that probably added a level of coolness to the mix. Not bad overall though. I'd give it an 8/10.

If you like this description, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.


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