Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Deadpool #12

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Scott Koblish
Cover by Scott Koblish
Published May 25, 2016

   The book opens with Wade Wilson's daughter Warda digging around in his old stuff. She realizes something is missing. Just then we see another mysterious Deadpool-dressed type with a tiny hologram ball of a very, very old Wade Wilson, apparently escaping with it on a motorcycle. His daughter realizes she's being distracted, and calls up her team of mercs to go after them. As they're blasting away, the woman who now has Wade jumps off the bike and goes after the daughter, telling Wade to fire up some sort of hologram. He does this and his old pal Pretson from SHIELD broadcasts out of it, surprised it's actually 2099.
   The two modern day Deadpools keep fighting as Preston and Wade manage to escape. It appears Warda is looking for info on what happened to her mother, Shiklah, and this is information this new Deadpool seems to have. Finally the big reveal of the issue occurs - Warda pulls off the mask of this new intruder who turns out to be Ellie - Warda's long thought-to-be-dead half sister. She tells Warda she's claiming the Deadpool name, freeing their father, and finally about to John Wick their ass. And with that, the issue is to be continued.
   I always get annoyed when a comic jumps around wildly in continuity. It's hard to follow and leaves me thinking I missed something on the front end, and this situation is no exception. Although they'll keep me hooked to find out where their going, this story is at the very least better than the Sabertooth tie in from a few books before. As usual I don't know where Gerry Duggan is bringing this arc, but I guess I'll bite. I give it an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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