Monday, December 12, 2016

All New Wolverine #8

Written by Tom Taylor
Penciled by Marcio Takara
Cover by Bengal
Published May 18, 2016

   100 miles off the coast of New Jersey, there's a deal going down to swap an exquisite and ornate looking box when suddenly SHIELD interrupts the trade. Professor Holt, one of the supposed participants in the deal, opens the box releasing a scent that we find out later summons super mega-dragon Fin Fang Foom.
   Meanwhile Laura and Gabby walk their pet wolverine through the park. Maria Hill of SHIELD calls and tells Laura to meet her on the fire escape of her apartment. Some boats, agents, and everything else mysteriously disappeared except for this one box and Hill needs her to find a scent on it. And that's not all. One of the people they were asking to help with this previously was none other than inter-dimensional anomaly, old man Logan. Laura disregards him as some kind of impostor but asks where it was exactly he vanished. The helicarrier takes them there, and as the agents open the box again, Wolverine knows what it attracts...
   The dragon appears, and attacks the aircraft carrier as Wolverine runs out onto the deck and into the beast's mouth. She knows where this Logan has disappeared to, and she's the only one who can fight from the inside out to rescue him.
   This issue was inherently better than the last one. Although still pretty vapid and of little story, it at least gets back on point, setting up what I assume will be several points of the upcoming Civil War storyline. Not too bad overall and mostly redeeming itself from the previous issue, I give it a 7/10. 

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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