Tuesday, December 6, 2016

All New All Different Avengers #9

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Mahmud Asaar
Cover by Alex Ross
Published May 11, 2016

   Loyal Avengers butler Edwin Jarvis depressingly cleans the old hanger the team has relocated to, when they come under attack from an unknown foe. Vision's temperature increases and his voice echoes, using future tense while laser blasts fly in from different directions, when suddenly there stands a new, old team member, the "new" Wasp. Nadia Van Dyne, the apparent stepdaughter of original Wasp Janet Van Dyne makes her introduction. Iron Man runs diagnostic tests on the malfunctioning arm-less Vision while the Wasp explains her lineage. She claims to be the daughter of original Ant Man James Pym and his first wife, Maria. 
   While the new Avengers meet their new old teammate, Vision's arm reappears - right through Nova's chest. Wasp fires a shot at it, disrupting its polarity when suddenly he goes superthermal and is about to explode. Wasp shrinks down and flies into his ear, retrieving the explosives she'd planted inside back in Civil War II and flies out before they detonate. 
   With the threat cleared, Iron Man and Nova fly the now rebooting Vision back to Stark Labs while Jarvis brings Nadia to meet her estranged family. The issue wraps with Iron Man and Captain America examining Vision who is now back online. He's upset that Kang has now used him as a weapon against his friends multiple times and vows revenge. Meanwhile, Nova chimes in over the radio and explains that he needs some time off to find his father who is lost in space. Iron Man offers to help and with that, the issue concludes.
   Pretty good issue. Rich in story and artwork. I don't know who was responsible for putting this particular group of Avengers together but it's been a pretty good combination. Good to see Wasp back, albeit she's no original, i.e. Spider-Man, Nova, or Ms Marvel. But excellent nonetheless. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this description, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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