Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Star Wars #19

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Leinil Francis Yu
Cover by Leinil Francis Yu
Published May 25, 2016
   Princess Leia, Sana Starros, and Dr. Aphra stand face to face with their attacker, who has Han and Luke tied up with demands that Leia kill the imperial prisoner they hold. That prisoner is Dr. Aphra, one of which Sana has no trouble killing and aims her blaster to do so while being persuaded by Leia not to shoot. She asks the masked attacker to reveal himself. He does so and it turns out that he's a very badly mutated Eneb Ray, the greatest spy that the rebels had ever put in the field. Leia explains that they'd thought he died, to which Eneb replies that his death is still quite eminent.
   As he counts down from 5, Sana prepares the killshot. Leia begs and stalls for long enough for R2D2 to fire an ion pulse which disables gravity aboard the prison planet. Aphra and Sana float around still trying to murder each other while Leia gets the upper hand on Eneb. She's able to give control back to the warden, who mentions he's missing one prisoner. Dr. Aphra is shoved into an escape pod and ejected, outfitted with tracking devices and headed back to serve Darth Vader.
   Luke and Han secretly reminisce about the nerfs they herded to get the rebel money back Han had gambled away, while Leia explains to a captured Eneb she's going to get him help. He tells her that he should have listened to her and how they will most certainly lose the war their fighting. The issue ends with some storm troopers searching the now abandoned prison complex for someone named Kolar Ludd. Their search is called off though when a high ranking and lightsabre yielding trooper tells them orders have come in and it's time to kill some rebels.. And with that, the issue ends.
   So this was the end of the Rebel Jail storyline, one that wasn't short on details and mini-plots as our trio of the princess, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker continue to bond for their later adventures. Aaron and Yu continue to impress and I look forward to issue #20. I give this one a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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