Friday, December 23, 2016

Daredevil #7

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Matteo Buffagai
Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz
Published May 25, 2016

   Fresh off the heels of the last issue, Electra attacks Daredevil, accusing him of taking her daughter. The devil of Hell's Kitchen responds by laying down, clearly not willing to fight and knowing the best course of action is to plead his case. After calming down a bit, Electra explains that the girl is an 11 year old named Iona. She gave her to her trainer Stick who assured her the child would be adopted and raised safely. Meanwhile, Daredevil is clearly freaked out, afraid he might actually be this child's father. She shows him a cellphone video and claims there is no sound. Not knowing Matt Murdock is a blind lawyer anymore, he acts like he can see it and asks for the phone. He brings it to Froggy, who looks at it and explains to him the phone is completely blank.
   Matt calls Linda Carter to check on her patient Blindspot, whom was injured in the previous issue during the beginning of the fight between DD and Electra. He tells him he's ready to get out and help anyway he can. Matt tells him to take some time off and let his breaks heel, even offering him a job at this particular lawyers office he knows. Later he meets Electra to ask about the phone, telling her the video wasn't real. She tells him that her search will continue and if she needs him, she'll contact him. As she leaps away, Daredevil hears the sounds of an attack happening off in the distance. He goes after her, seeing her as she attacks the person whom was allegedly involved in giving her the phone. He utters the phrase "the tangled web we weave" and her mind is instantly unlocked, knowing it was all a conspiracy to send her after Daredevil. She instantly feels relief of having no child to ultimately fail - but heaven help her when she finds who was responsible. She sprints away and the issue is left to be continued.
   I read this series up too this point but this the first review I'm doing on it. Of all the single character books I'm reading right now, this is definitely one of the best. Very thick on plot details and the art is great. I give it an 8/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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