Sunday, December 11, 2016

Civil War II #0

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by and cover by Olivier Coipel 
Published May 18, 2016

   The issue opens up in NYC, with Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk defending the super villain Jester in a courtroom. Making the point that they're prosecuting an innocent man for nothing, she rests her case. And in Latveria, War Machine gets some terrorists to stand down, impressing the President of the United States so much, he summons him to the situation room and offers him the Defense Secretary gig.
   At Ohio State, a group of students waits for the incoming Terrigen Mist clouds and not knowing what exactly is gonna happen. Unfortunately 2 of them are later encapsulated in some kind of cocoons. At the Triskelion home of the Ultimates, Captain Marvel checks in with her emissaries and is met by old friend and resident Hulk psychiatrist Doctor Samson. After catching up, she realizes he was sent there to check up on her. On the SHIELD helicarrier, She-Hulk discusses the impending disaster with Maria Hill, who tells her that the Jester, whom Walters was defending in the beginning of the issue is dead. Killed in prison by guards, Walters tells her he was an innocent man. Hill ominously tells her that Jester would probably have committed more crimes... a statement the She-Hulk obviously disagrees with.
   The issue wraps with Michelle and Ulysses, the 2 students at Ohio State emerging from their cocoons. Michele turns into some kind of demon and lurches in attack at the crowd, when Ulysses finds himself in some kind of limbo world; a version of Columbus, Ohio filled with no people and scenes of mass destruction. With that, the issue wraps in preparation for the series to begin with issue #1.
   As with any issue number 0, you know it's gonna be a lot of setup for the main characters and situations. This was no exception. Good artwork and writing from Bendis, whom you always know that if you get him on his ga,e, does amazing work. Sets the subsequent events up perfectly and has me excited for this series. I give it an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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