Tuesday, December 20, 2016

All New Inhumans #7

Written by James Asmus
Penciled by Stefano Casello
Cover by Jamal Campbell
Published May 4, 2016

   Fresh off the heels of the previous issue, Flint is tipped off to the whereabouts of his family. Only problem is this information comes care of the less-than-reliable and newly revealed Inhuman Ana Kravinoff, daughter of Kraven the Hunter. Regardless, he and Gorgon trape off into the mountains of Mozambique to find out what she knows. There they find evidence of an ancient inhuman city.
   Soon after their arrival, they're engaged by a fellow inhuman, whom after quickly defeating Ana, brings them to Daya, the town council-person. She arranges a sightseeing trip through their hidden city, Utolan.
   Daya explains to Gorgon that their people left Atillan when they felt politics began interfering with nobler pursuits. In their minds, terrogenesis unlocked a path to transcendence. Meanwhile Flint reunites with his mother, whom it appears is surrounded by a few others who aren't real happy these new inhuman guests have shown up. Faint anxiety breaks out once the guards realize Ana has disappeared. While they spread out to find her, Flint is introduced to the sister he never knew he had, Ikelli. The tendril inundated warrior who incapacitated Ana in the beginning of the issue. She welcomes him home as issue ends, to be continued.
   As you might have noticed, this is my first review of any Inhumans comics. I don't know anything about them and really don't know Marvel's angle in introducing them so much. Either way, I know they fight the X-Men in the near future, as I suppose Marvel is tired of just making them fight the Avengers, so it should get interesting. I give this book a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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