Sunday, December 11, 2016

Old Man Logan #6

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Andrea Sorrentino 
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino 
Published May18, 2016

   Burger the dog is missing. Logan assures young Maureen he'll find him and tells her to go to school. He tracks him into town and eventually finds him murdered. It only takes a second more for Logan to smell machine oil - followed by several dead townspeople. This is no coincidence. It looks like somebody came after the old X-Man, and those trackers are his old enemies The Reavers.
   Bonebreaker makes the first move. He attacks with Gatling guns blazing, eventually running over the man formerly known as Wolverine's legs. With claws drawn, Logan kills his old foe, right in front of the town sheriff. He tells him to gather the townsfolk and bring them to the quarry where they'll be safe. Once there, everyone's accounted for except for the most helpless of the citizens of Killhorn Falls - the town's children.
   Logan makes it just in time, killing Muzzle and getting the kids out of danger. But before he can get them all evacuated, he takes him eye off the prize. One of the Reavers has one of the kids as a hostage, and if Logan doesn't give himself up, things could get pretty ugly pretty quick.
   I haven't been short on praise for this book in the past, and this issue is no exception. It makes some of these books Marvel publishes, like the current Spider-Man and All New Wolverine seem so laughable, I can't understand how they make the cut. In the age of "Quantity over quality", this title completely delivers. I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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