Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Batman #10

Written by Tom KingPenciled by Mikel Janin
Cover by Tim Sale
Published Nov 2, 2016
  I Am Suicide, Pt 2
   Batman springs his plan into action, attacking the Santa Prisca prison Bane is held up in with Psycho Pirate, in order to get the supervillain to give him the venom he so desperately needs for his protege at home, Gotham Girl. He flies the Batwing into range and when he gets close enough, the bullets rip the aircraft apart. When he crash lands, he ejects into the crowd of Bane's army. They drag him to their leader, and with that, the beatdown game is on.
   Bane beats the caped crusader mercilessly. Each hit harder than the next, Batman keeps repeating the same stanza over and over. "Bane. I've come for Psycho Pirate. I need him to save someone who needs to be saved. Turn him over. I go away. Refuse to turn him over and I will break your damn back...". While this sounds super hardcore for the dark knight, it doesn't phase Bane much, who just throws him to pretty much die in one of the legendary water cells of his prison fortress.
   As the water rises, Batman punches the walls for holes to gain his footing. He does so and climbs to the top in agony. Eventually he frees himself through the grating, and finds the backdoor to the complex. Opening the door, he finds Catwoman and the Ventriloquist waiting. Tiger, Punch, and Jewelee have apparently executed their portion of the plan and are elsewhere, and now as Batman so eloquently put it, the team prepares to break his damn back, and amidst some super-rad dialogue from Catwoman that runs the entire issue, we're left to see where it continues in the next chapter.
   This is what Batman is all about. Literally probably the best DC has to offer, Tom King is a perfect writer and this art is crisp and amazing. Catwoman's note just reads perfectly - almost verbatim of what you'd hear a stage four clinger ex-girlfriend saying IF you were a dark and brooding superhero, which I'm pretty sure is the point. I give it a 10/10 and cannot WAIT for #11.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE

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