Friday, February 10, 2017

Star Wars #28

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by Stuart Immonen
Published Feb 1, 2017

   While Luke has to cope without R2D2, he turns to Ben Kenobi's old journal and reads a story from the early days of Master Yoda. He's found himself on an alien planet inhabited by children. Jealous of his power with the Force, they convince him to seek answers inside the mountain. He travels towards it, but his traveling partner grows tired. He refuses to go any further and Yoda has to go it alone. Once inside, he discovers a group of adults - the parents children - who were at first convinced to go into the mountain but eventually convinced to just stay there.
   Yoda tells them that they abandoned their kids, and that better teachers could have served them better. They tell him to be on his way, so the old Jedi continues his journey. He finally comes upon another child named Garro and gives him some food. With strength returning, the child exhibits some extremely powerful traits, including moving rocks with his mind and Yoda asks to learn from him. Years later, back on Tattoine, a younger Obi Wan encounters Greedo and another lowly bar patron about to fight to the death. Using an old mind trick, he convinces them to just drink instead. It's then a hooded stranger walks up with a strange symbol on his head and reveals himself to be a grown version of the child in the cave. He recognizes Obi Wan as a Jedi and tells him to never leave the caves.
   Back in the present, Luke studies the journal and the researches the symbol drawn in the book. It's a map to the Vagadarr system. He sets a course while we return to Yoda back in the caves. He's become stronger and he and his master have found the heart of the cave. Only thing is that it's not a cave. It's alive - and with that the issue wraps.
   This title never fails. They've done more with these characters than I thought could have been possible. Fortifying their backstories, this book serves as the perfect companion to any fans of the Star Wars universe. I give it a 9/10 and can't wait to see what happens next...

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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