Friday, February 3, 2017

Invincible Iron Man #11

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Mike Deodato
Cover by Mike Deodato
Published Jul 6, 2016

   The board of Stark Industries has had enough after Tony missed another meeting. They storm the Stark Tower demanding to take over. Friday stalls them until they run into.. Mary Jane Watson? The supermodel is apparently his new Executive Administrator. Meanwhile near New Mexico, the "New" Iron... Woman Riri Williams stops 2 prison escapees from getting away. And in Osaka, gangstar Tomoe and her apprentice Zhang watch as all of the  American Avengers show up. The plan? Surprise the Avengers before they get a chance to surprise the Techno Golem.
   A disguised Tony sees Vision in the sky and realizes what's going on. He ducks into a coffeeshop and runs into Rhodey, who turns out to be a shape-shifting Ms. Marvel. They each drop their disguises and Ms Marvel signals to the others that Tony is in fact there. They "save" him and show that they've captured Tomoe - who turns out to be Zhang. Tony goes back undercover and they throw him and Zhang in a cell. She confides that she thinks Tomoe sold them out but that when she surfaces, the world won't know what hit them. The issue wraps with Tony and War Machine walking the deck of the Helicarrier. Not knowing what's in store, Rhodes mentions to Tony about the Avengers gearing up for war with the Inhumans and Friday mentions to him about Riri. And with that, this book wraps and ventures closer to it's eventual conclusion.
   I know this title is winding down and is about to be repurposed into Marvel Girl Power but I'm gonna miss it. This version of Tony is the most engaging and interesting, although I know it pretty much continues in International and Infamous Iron Man but still. This comic is setting up the events of Civil War II great and I can't to see how they wrap it up. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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