Thursday, February 16, 2017

Star Wars #21

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Jorge Molina
Cover by David Aja
Published Jul 20, 2016

   Told from the perspective of one of the most ruthless stormtroopers in the galaxy, General Kreel recounts his life. Born on Chagar X into a life revolving around the fighting pits, things were never the same once he saw his first stormtrooper. Now he leads a platoon onto the now abandoned Ghost Moon hoping to avoid an ambush. The scar squad splits up and fires upon the rebel terrorists, killing as many as possible. Kreel worked his way up through the academy, losing friends to the alliance on the way and today kills every rebel he possibly can.
   Aero hotwires an old speeder and he and Kreel take out some mercs before getting blown off of it. They regroup and head down an old sewer tunnel. Kreel is pulled underwater by a sewer squid but just adding even more to his near legendary status, he pops back up and shreds the monster. Before long they advance upon another group of rebels they blast away. After awhile, the enemy pinpoints them and lowers a plasma cannon under the surface. They fire and the storm trooper team goes flying. As Kreel mentions, he never explained to his group where he's from or what he's done but along the way, he's picked up a few tricks. One of them being a light saber. He slices the barrel off the cannon and his troopers are awestruck. Finally he counts all of the rebel crew and they're accounted for.. finally glancing their target - Admiral Sitrep. He looks at his squad, announces it won't take long to crack him and the rebel computers, and with that the issue ends.
   I've been on a real Star Wars kick lately as I got two issues in the mail pretty much silmiltaneously. As luck would have it, the last one on my review list was this one and luckily none of the stories overlap. My kids are huge into the movies right now and I'm having a blast recapping them all.. To be able to bolster it with these comics makes it even better. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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