Monday, February 20, 2017

Civil War II: X-Men #2

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Andrea Broccardo
Cover by David Yardin
Published Jul 6, 2016

   On the streets of Raleigh, North Carolina, the Brood attack the local population mercilessly - dropping flying sharks and attacking the crowd without abandon. Luckily, the X-Men show up thanks to a tip from the Inhuman Ulysses. Captain Marvel chides Storm for telling Magneto about Ulyesses, who reminds her that he'd have found out about it at some point. Carol Danvers explains that they have to choose their battles, as Ulysses has been kidnapped once by Tony Stark. The last thing she needs is Magneto bringing his brand of crazy to the party.
   Back in the Savage Land, Psylocke determines Nightcrawler is being truthful. Magneto is indeed right to be concerned about Ulysses. While his gifts are useful, what if makes the wrong predictions? What someone MIGHT do isn't absolute. Worse yet, Magneto is afraid the Inhumans could coax him into making false accusations that could immediately harm mutantkind. Psylocke tells him to tread lightly.
   His first step is to send Fantomex to New Allilan to gather information. He stealths around and encounters a spy from the other side of the X-Men: Gambit. The two of them are able to throw-down a violent, bloody fight but are able to do so silently. They blend into the shadows from the Inhuman guards. In fact, their fight is nearly undetected until Gambit grabs the barrel of Fantomex's pistol, charging it. He incapacitates him, calling Jean to send Magik for transport. He confirms to them Magneto is making his move. Back in the Savage Land, Psylocke plans to make a getaway in the Blackbird, presumably to join Storm's team, before encountering Sabretooth. She's discovered Fantomex was sent to New Atillan as either a spy or an assasin. They have a brief exchange before he tells her Magneto probably already knows her plans.
   Confirming those suspicions, Magneto informs his teammates of Betsy's actions. Although they're down a psychic, he reminds them that the world is full of them to call upon. With that, the issue ends to be continued and we're left waiting until the next one to see what happens.
   Sad that it takes a crossover event to get this many X-Men in one book, it's interesting to see old battles still referenced. Gambit vs Fantomex and even Psylocke's disgust by the once Weapon X assassin is enough to recognize that Bunn respects their origins. I love a comic high on dialogue and this one delivered. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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