Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Civil War II #4

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by David Marquez
Cover by Mario Djurdjevic
Published July 27, 2016

   Captain Marvel lands on the Triskelion, eager to talk to She-Hulk as she awakes from a coma. She remembers losing to Thanos - badly but what she doesn't know lands on Carol Danvers to break to her as gentle as she can. Bruce Banner is dead, killed by Hawkeye and the verdict just came out... Not guilty on all charges.
   High atop New York, Spider-Man listens as pundits share their opinions. According to polls, 87% of people agreed with the verdict. People however await one man's take on all of it and that man is Tony Stark. Presently he's sitting in front of an audience of his fellow Avengers, the Inhumans, and the Ultimates discussing the man of the hour - Ulysses. He tells them the future cannot be written. It's a construct - a concept. While his explanation is underway, we see scenes of our heroes arresting a banker with an empty briefcase. His explanation continues. Tony mapped and copied Ulysses' brain. His predictions are algorithms of possible futures. Captain America asks Tony if he's absolutely sure about all of this. Carol asks Henry McCoy his opinions and he says that Tony is more or less right. Carol presses on - A person says that a guy over there has a gun. What do you do? Tony says what if that prediction is only 80% correct? 60%? 40%? What if it was only 10% correct? Captain Marvel gets mad and shoots through the ceiling. Tony tells the room that he's going public with the information which gets some sly looks from Medusa and Blackbolt.
   Meanwhile at SHIELD, Carol Danvers interrogates the banker Alison Green. whom Maria Hill and Black Panther have been able to get nothing on. She accuses the woman of being a Hydra agent plotting to bring down financial institutions but the woman is clearly claiming her innocence. Suddenly the woman disappears - evidence of Nightcrawler's involvement. Captain Marvel demands Tony Stark's arrest, whom she finds on the rooftop. Him... and pretty much half of the superheros in the Marvel Universe. Tony tells her she's outmanned - she says hardly - as the Guardians of the Galaxy fly in behind her. Tensions are at their boiling point, right as it's time to be continued.
   I love it when crossover books are good. This one has it all too - tons of characters, conflict, and everybody thinks they're on the right side. Good artwork shores it up and I'm excited for it to play out. What more could you want? I give it a 10/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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