Thursday, February 16, 2017

Daredevil #9

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Goran Sudzuka
Cover by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Published July 13, 2016

   Perched high atop a casino in Macau, Daredevil and Spider-Man put their casino heist in action. They invade the high roller floor en masse and gunfire ensues. Their target is a briefcase full of secrets, and unfortunately they can't get their hands on it before one of the gangsters escapes to his helicopter bound for Hong Kong.
   The two heroes ski behind a hydrofoil on their way to the city. Once there Spider-Man reveals that he's had a tracer on the briefcase all along. They swing up to a gigantic skyscraper and another fight ensues. This time, the case is theirs for the taking. Spidey grabs the case and flees while Daredevil mops up the rest of the baddies. Once finished, they meet up outside but Spider-Man is a bit reluctant to give him the case back. Seems curiousity has gotten the best of the webcrawler.
   It seems there's some holes in Spider-Man's memory when it comes to the man without fear, and he doesn't understand why. Daredevil explains that he did something to regain his secret identity, and the info in the case contains plans to foil the Black Cat, Kingpin, The Owl, The Hood, Tombstone, Mr. Negative, and tons of other villains. That's enough for Spidey, who tells him to watch out for this "black costume phase" Daredevil is going through and takes off. With that, the issue comes to an end.
   I don't know if there could be a more perfect comic book than these types. I know Daredevil isn't a big seller but it really should be. Good art and writing make it an easy read and pretty much everything I love about comic books. I give this one a 10/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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