Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy #10

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Jul 13, 2016

   Star Lord has been sentenced to death on Planet Moord by the Badoon. As their supreme leader plans to watch his execution, he gets word that the Guardians have escaped their cells. After hearing there's only maybe 5 or at the most 10 of them, he doubts their abilities to reach the planet. He has cause to worry however as Kitty Pryde walks up behind him and phases his heart from his body. The rest of the Badoon attack and the raid is on. Seeing as how they're running a concentration camp on the planet, plus how scarcely Bendis passes up an opportunity to inject social justice in a comic book, the Guardians are furious. Between Venom and Drax smashing heads open, they make quick work of them.
   Ben Grimm and Rocket explain to Peter how they not only freed Angela but also millions of prisoners who had a hand in the assault. As they debate whether enough is enough, Gamora's vote is to keep killing until there is nobody left. Venom and Star Lord explain that there's no reason to spike the football as Angela (holding a severed Badoon head) calls to the crowd telling them they can either restructure themselves or die. The message is received and the Guardians board their ship and leave. No sooner than they've disembarked, a transmission comes in from Captain Marvel. Tony Stark has run amok and with that, this tale concludes and the Guardians enter Civil War II - to be continued in the very next issue.
   This was a pretty rad little tale. As much as Brian Michael Bendis loves turning my childhood heroes into women, he had some good ideas by recruiting the Thing and Kitty Pryde onto this interplanetary team. This latest story arc was a good read even though it was way out of order. I can't wait to see how the Guardians of the Galaxy fight in their next crossover but it looks like I won't have to wait long. I give this issue an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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