Thursday, February 23, 2017

Justice League #15

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Fernando Pasarin
Cover by Fernando Pasarin
Published Feb 15, 2017

   Batman arrives at an expected meeting spot in Gotham City, and given who sent it, is expecting something dramatic. In Metropolis, Lois gasses up the car asking Jon to go find his dad right before seeing Superman fly away overhead. He later meets with Batman and asks what is causing the energy field he sees coming towards them. Batman tells him to wait - He can save them... He can save EVERYONE but he has to wait.
   Suddenly Aquaman finds himself powerless, waking before 4 powerful beings. What the hell that has to do with anything, I haven't a clue. It was just yesterday he, Cyborg, Flash, Wonder Woman, and the Green Lanterns were headed to the United Nations building to tell the world it was safe from the Justice League. A young lady runs up to them begging for help as a horde of alien beings attacks the building. Wonder Woman then finds herself battling Cronus, father of Zeus. Again, what the hell THAT has to with anything, I also have no idea. Back at the UN, Flash and the woman who ran up are thrown into some rubble. She tells him he and his friends need to wear these bracelets while the rest of the League fight the impenetrable aliens. She tells him her name is Molly - the Keeper, and that the timeless are a religions movement who think superheroes are polluting the timeline life should naturally take.
   Back at the Infinity Corporation Bldg, the employees explain to Batman and Supes that something is rewriting the future. They're plan is just to ride it out and see what happens. Meanwhile, Cyborg finds himself waking up in the 31st Century in Metropolis. A kid tries to tell him to leave the area while the Green Lanterns find themselves in some sort of post apocalyptic Washington DC. The Earth Corps gathers to arrest them for using unauthorized green light energy. Back in the present, Molly dispatches Flash with the bracelets to give the rest of the team when he finds himself in the past, back to the day he got his powers. Molly then calls everyone to order and shows them the city they need to destroy. The bracelets will take each of them to certain points in the future and past where they'll have to face the timeless.
   The issue concludes with Superman and Batman looking out the windows of Infinity Corp. They've been displaced in time - a scary version of the future. Superman longs to save his family and with that, the issue is to be continued.
   Justice League is one of those books that strives to be so complicated, sometimes they lose me. And I'd venture to believe I'm much older than their typical demographic. Like all of their adventures, I'm sure we're bracing for another wild ride. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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