Thursday, February 16, 2017

All New X-Men #11

Written by Dennis Hopeless
Penciled by Mark Bagley
Cover by Mark Bagley
Published July 13, 2016

   Evan and En Sabah make their way out into the desert to save young Beast after having seen in a vision an image of the X-Man being tortured. Being torn between preventing the evolution of Apocalypse and saving his friend, he rides into the valley and they untie Hank. Suddenly the mystic appears, using a spell on En Sabah rendering him unconscious and transporting them away from the desert. Evan and Beast are attacked, but being enraged, Evan makes quick work of them and later Hank reminds him this isn't over. They still need to find a way home.
   Refusing to leave his friend behind, Evan tears away from Hank towards the sandstormers. He lunges and attacks En Sabah's father, who turns out to be a pretty relentless foe. Henry uses the diversion to go into the Mystic's tent to steal back the eye of Horus - Doctor Strange's weird relic that got them there in the first place. He makes a deal with the Mystic and gets the eye back. Outside, Evan is taking a beating. Henry jumps into the fight with the eye, transporting them back to the magical X-Winnebago of the present. Henry is glad to be back and tries to tell Evan something he saw during their transport.. But Kid Apocalypse is heartbroken. He throws the eye across the room and the issue comes to an end.
   I've about had enough of Apocalypse in these books. It's like the ultimate retread, spilling into All New X-Men which is clearly just a filler book and barely moves the needle. While it's still well-written and has spectacular art, I'm ready to move on. It looks like Evan is too. I give this one an 8/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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