Monday, May 1, 2017

X-Men Blue #1

Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jorge Molina
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published Apr 12 2017

   The five time displaced original X-Men fly in the blackbird while Iceman complains it being too slow. Obviously now lacking Pickles, the teleporting demon, now makes things a little harder to travel. The conversation meanders through Jean Gray now being the team leader as Angel closes in on the yacht they've been tailing. They leap aboard and find the cradft deserted, though Jean picks up the thoughts of life forms.
   As they make their way down the deck, Scott talks about how much he misses barber shops as they round the corner down into the galley. There Black Tom Cassidy addresses his hostages - the boats passengers. The X-Men don't plan on allowing his piracy to continue any longer and attack. Surprised that they appear younger, he gloats while Warren Worthington asks that they watch for collateral damage on his future yacht. Jean Gray and Hank McCoy double team him while Scott tells him that according to his files, he's never beaten the X-Men - then or now. Warren tells the passengers the fight is over but Cassidy has a surprise up his sleeve.
   Without warning, the Juggernaut bursts through he wall, bowling them all over. Cassidy tells him that this is an odd bunch of younger X-Men before Angel comes bolting into the room, picking him up and slamming him into the ballroom's ceiling. Juggernaut becomes even angrier, again throwing more hatred to Scott Summers than to anyone else for killing Charles Xavier. Cyclops tries to tell him he's got the wrong Scott Summers when Jean Gray puts a reinvigorated Black Tom Cassidy into a deep sleep. Meanwhile Juggernaut chases Cyclops onto the ships deck with Bobby Drake in tow. He freezes water under the giant's feet, and he slips through the boats railing and into the ocean, sinking like a stone.
   As soon as the team can take a breath, Juggernaut punches through the hull of the ship. As he stomps hole after hole in the ship, Beast has an idea. Juggernaut may know these X-Men from the past, but he doesn't know what they've learned since being here. Using sorcery, Beast sends octopus tentacles, demons, skeletons, and the undead from the sea floor, pulling the Juggernaut under. Cyclops and Marvel Girl stand by, shocked. Scott screams at him... this isn't what X-Men do. The people on board however are relieved, for their safety's sake as well as for the sake of their money. Jean has to silence them though as it takes all of her concentration to keep the ship afloat.
   Back home in Madripoor, Scott asks Jean if they're dropping the ball. She tries to reassure him. If he was to ever have a moment to relax, they'd think a pod person had taken his place. They walk the hallway with news of their prisoner's capture to the boss... There at the end of the hallway stands Magneto, congratulating his X-Men. That's one...  but with images of Sebastian Shaw and Emma Frost on the monitors behind him, there's many more to go.
    The issue wraps with a small group of deputies up in snow country. Something massive has settled in and been hunting in the area. They all fan out to search and happen upon a stranger. They ask him if he's ok before being interrupted by the massive Wendigo. In the confusion the stranger is shot through the head. He falls, but soon rises. And as the dogs and police are scattered about, a familiar "SNIKT" rings out. What appears to be some incarnation of the younger Wolverine, or clone... something.. slashes back at the Wendigo. As the blood flies, he screams out to the officers to run. She does just that, but as she returns, she hears an odd howling. With only injured or dead officers at the site of the attack, she can only wonder where the Wendigo and this strange man have gone off too. We'll have to all wonder though, as with that, this issue is left to be continued.
   This book has literally blown away it's counterpart, X-Men Gold. No controversy for this one however. Cullen Bunn is no stranger to X-tales, and Jorge Melina's art is as crisp as ever. Although they left a few members of the "All New X-Men" behind, this pretty much picks up right on it's tails. It's as pretty good one too. If there's any that carry the banner, it's this one. And I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead. I give it a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE.
(unfortunately this one was already purchased..)

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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