Tuesday, May 16, 2017

All New All Different Avengers #13

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Adam Kubert
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Aug 10, 2016

   The Vision has a decision to make. Activating the human emotions he's accumulated and exported, he has to decide what to do when an infant human life hangs in the balance. It wasn't long ago he battled his teammates nearly to a standstill. Now, just days after, he consults the Inhuman who's at the heart of the most critical battle between superheroes yet, Ulysses. What if he had a chance to kill baby Hitler? What would he do? Before he can answer, Ulysses is taken back to the experimental womb Captain Marvel pumps emotions into him in hopes of sparking one of his premonitions.
  At the center of the debate is Kang - the tireless time traveler who is constantly a pain in the Avengers' side. Guilty of corrupting Vision's mind, he's ready to put an end to the villain but at what moral cost? He stores a dangerous amount of solar energy and uses a hidden time machine located in the basement of the Baxter Building. There he reaches the first known point of Kang's recorded rule - Ancient Egypt, before being confronted by a freaky black phantasm. Necessary to maintain as much energy as possible, Vision holds back. As their battle grows more fierce, he's crushed through the wall of a pyramid and discovers Kang's time machine. He records the date of the machine's origin - Oct 22, 3022, and arrives a week earlier to attempt to foil Kang's discovery. Once there, again the wraith confronts him. They battle as silently as possible, trying to keep Kang from noticing them. Not being to hide any longer, Kang makes a break for his helmet and the final clue dawns on Vision. He reaches the helmet first, puts it on and is erased from existence.
   22 years prior to their encounter, Vision stands before the crib of the infant who will one day turn into one of the biggest time traveling terrorists the universe will no. Again, the shadow materializes and only now does Vision address it. He asks if it's there to protect Kang and it tells him it's actually there to protect him - Vision. It whispers an unknown fact into Vision's ear - one that will haunt the Avengers for generation to come.
   The issue wraps with a young couple walking into the baby's room, singing nursery rhymes. There they discover one of the biggest nightmares a parent could find. Their baby is missing. They were never to find out who took their child, or with him he was left to be raised by, but somewhere in the timestream storms began to brew. And with that, we're left to be continued.
   This story arc is what will take this title into it's completion, and into it's successor title as well. And honestly, it's an honorable one to go out on. Kang. Who'd have thought they'd be able to take such a classic character and send what's turned out to be a really great title off with him. At least it's not Ultron again, right? I give this one a 9/10...

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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