Sunday, May 7, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy #19

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti, Phil Noto, Andrea Sorrentino,
Phil Noto, Arthur Adams, Kevin Maguire, Mark Bagley,
Sara Pichelli, and Filipe Andrade
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published April 19, 2017

   Annihilus and the Brood Queen break the news to Thanos why they invited him to meet. It's time they work together to completely rid the universe of earth. Thanos though doesn't agree. The Earth needs to be conquered - not destroyed. As they try to talk him to it, he won't be swayed. Meanwhile Captain Marvel breaks the news to Rocket and Peter Quill that while she doesn't have any spaceships to get them off the planet, there's a spaceship graveyard they could try. Just then the SHIELD alarm sounds. In Brooklyn Thing and Kitty have a heart to heart about the potential of a long distance relationship when they look up to a threat from the sky. In Central Park, something causes the park-goers to run away in fear, coaxing Groot out of hibernation while in New Jersey, Flash Thompson applies for work though has a hard time explaining his previous employment. Everyone in the office gathers to look outside the window and finally the threat is revealed.
    Millions of mechanized sharks and insects approach from the sky as the voice of Thanos booms over the airwaves. While not an invasion, he extends a vow of co-existence in exchange for the Guardians of the Galaxy. The first strike blasts a bolt of lightning through the SHIELD Helicarrier. Quill tells Captain Marvel that it's likely a diversion and a full scale invasion is still likely their plan. Rocket says he needs to get to that ship graveyard stat and Carol Danvers takes off with the raccoon in tow. Quill radios to Danvers that the minute Drax gets out of the bathroom, he won't be able to stop what happens next. And next turns out to be a full forced punch to the mad titan's face. As soon as he collects himself, he gets Drax in a chokehold and chucks him off the carrier. Meanwhile Star Lord and several SHIELD agents prepare to engage him when Danvers comes across his radio that she knows where Gamora is. She and a very newly excited Rocket reach the wrecked shipyard while Thanos plans to destroy Quill. That plan is interrupted when Groot attacks, followed by a second assault by Venom just as SHIELD Commander Carter calls for a full scale abandon ship order.
   High above the galaxy, Annihilus and the Brood Queen clearly see Thanos has lost it. They decide the best course of action is just to go ahead and destroy earth with him in it. Kitty Pride teams with the Guardians one last time, picking up Thanos and on his demand, dropping him. She makes a crack about old Roadrunner cartoons before the Thing punches Thanos out of Yankee Stadium. He calls out to the Brood Queen and is interrupted by a strange voice onboard her ship. Angela has stabbed the gigantic insect to death and sits in her throne. She warns them all to leave immediately and to never return. No sooner after she's made this announcement, Rocket shows up with quite a few ships he's managed to put together.
   Thanos declares the Earth as his, but the Guardians of the Galaxy have other plans. Commander Carter declares the skies are clear and Thanos' daughter Gamora is able to gaze upon her evil father once again. He cries out that she sickens him as the entire team pounces upon him. Back home, the Novas land to take Thanos into custody as several members of the team say their goodbyes as hugs and tears abound. Earthbound members of the team look on as the original film adapted group of Guardians blast off. Meanwhile the most famous lineup ask each other where to. Rocket tells them he's come up with a new battle cry for them. "CHIMICHANGAS!" he yells as the crew downvotes and with that, this series draws to a close.
   Of all the work Brian Michael Bendis has done of late, I always thought Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the best. Maybe because they're a little less familiar to me than some of his other source material, but for what it's worth, he did a good job on this book. The art was good from the first issue on. Even his oddball take ons the Thing, Kitty Pride, and Venom worked out but I guess good things can't last forever. I give this final issue a 9/10 and look forward to the next volume.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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