Friday, May 5, 2017

Old Man Logan #21

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Eric Nguyen
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino
Published April 12, 2017

   Logan is surrounded by troops, and although he could resist, something tells him to go along with everything. They put him in a cell and the General comes for him. He pulls a knife and tells his prisoner that one of the men he assassinated at the Battle of Detroit was his son. Slashing his throat, Logan growls. The soldiers back away in fear. They tell the general that the beast was found with a glowing amulet around his neck and present it to him... Logan decides the ruse is over. He pops his claws, tears through the bars into a wall of musket fire. He tries to keep control of his rage and makes his move on the general to recover the amulet - literally the only thing that can return him to his time. He takes more gunshot blasts and leaps. demanding the amulet. Fleeing into the woods and far away from the fort, he clasps the amulet and his spirit rises from his body... and into
another past life...
   Weapon X floats in the tank. Waking up during the adamantium bonding process, they jack up the knockout dosage as they see the amulet. Trying to get to it before Logan does, they shock him but he fights through it. He reaches out and grabs it right before Cornelius and Sublime shock him again...
   Meanwhile in New Jersey, Asmodeus attempts to sell Logan's unconscious body to the highest bidder. The interested party's ask why he isn't chained up and the sorcerer explains that he's trapped in time and can become a killing machine in the present with a simple spell. But back in the past, Logan wakes up in familiar frozen Canada. Wolverine in his yellow and blue suit, claws drawn, prepares to fight Wendigo with Hulk. He braces himself and with that, we're left to be continued.
   Seeing these old images are starting to make me ready for the return of Wolverine. If that's their goal, it's working. Old Man Logan is an awesome concept, but his past lives certainly have an allure of their own as well. Either way, this story is setting up nicely and I'm excited to see where it leads. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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