Thursday, May 11, 2017

Justice League #19

Written by Bryan Hitch
Penciled by Fernando Pasarin
Cover by Fernando Pasarin
Published April 19, 2017

   Alexis and Vincent at the Infinity Building get a reading of a new energy source. They send Batman, Superman, and Jane out to investigate. When they arrive, they find Molly, who's now a super badass, levitating and screaming that she's now in control of the timeless machines. Explaining to Superman that superheroes are a plague, she intends to wipe them all out. She blasts them with magical energy and Superman buckles. He asks Batman to save Lois and Jon, who gives him his word that he will. Jane and Supes blast Molly with all their might.
   Vincent leaves the building after picking up readings that the Timeless Mind is connected through time but it's army is all holograms. He cuts his wrist and bleeds into it. Suddenly, Cyborg, the Green Lanterns, Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman are all able to communicate, wondering why the machines didn't explode. Tempus broadcasts to them all saying Molly lied to them. Her goal was to destroy them all, his plan was just to send them to the end of time. Suddenly Vincent is able to communicate over him. He tells them he doesn't have long but they must all destroy the machines at all of their displaced time periods. Tempus pushes him out saying they can't stop it, and they all hurriedly get to work. Back at Infinity, Alexis radios Vincent and he tells her to get the stones ready.
   At the Timeless Machine, Superman checks on a now unconscious Jane while Molly prepares to destroy him. Meanwhile, Cyborg opens a Boom Tube at his machine. Flash packs his with temporal grenades, Aquaman packs in the Zodiac crystals, the Lanterns fire green energy and Wonder Woman crawls inside here, clasping her bracelets together. Molly finds her connections lost. Superman tells her his friends stopped her and she readies the last of her power to at least finish him off. She hits him with a weaker blast than before. Superman calls her bluff and fires back at her, before she threatens to start the superhero cull with Jon.
   Outside the Infinity Building, Tempus threatens Vincent, saying that if he keeps it up, IT will come and destroy the universe. Vincent tells him he's counting on it. Outside Metropolis, Jon prepares to fly he and Lois away from the danger when Molly lands at the gas station, killing everyone. She prepares a knock out punch when Batman, still wearing the Super-Lex suit flies in front of it. Soon the rest of the Justice League join them and place Molly under arrest.
   Everyone returns to their natural times except Alexis, Vincent, and Jane. They are left to prepare for what's coming as the stones begin to sing.. again.. for some reason. Superman hugs Lois and Jon, because you know, they're somehow threatened every single issue either of them are in, and Molly tells them all they'll rue the day. It's coming and it's all because of the Justice League... but with that, this story arc is concluded.
   The reviews are pretty generally negative for the DC flagship Justice League book. The only pet peeve I have with it is that there's WAY too much that happens in the course of an issue and Fernando Pasarin's art looks weird. Really just the faces. They're all big and goobery. This story is pretty much turning out exactly like the "Timeless" series which literally happened right before this one, so to say it's a little tired is an understatement. Overall I give it a 7/10 and hope it steps up a little more in the future...

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book HERE

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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