Monday, May 1, 2017

Royals #1

Written by Al Ewing
Penciled by Jonboy Meyers
Cover by Jonboy Meyers
Published April 5, 2017

   5000 years from now, dawn rises over New Arctilan. Giant beasts circle the sky with riders atop them. Cocoons continue to grow in the distance while the last Inhuman awakes in the tower of Wisdom. The rider picks up the lone figure and brings him to the cliffs. There he inscribes the tale of the seven who sought the odyssey and the six that returned.
   Engineered by the Kree millions of years ago, the Inhumans were designed to grow. Through terrigen, they mastered themselves while humanity hid on caves. Now with the cloud destroyed, Medusa and her group witness what is probably the last Inhuman ever. They fight to wrangle her in while through her inner monologue, Medusa talks about feeling sick and tired. Flint and Iso arrive to do what Gorgon couldn't do. They thin out the atmosphere and the beast falls asleep. Suddenly Medusa's sister Crystal calls her with news. A visitor named Noh-Var (and called Marvel Boy on Earth) explains to them that he knows a secret. A secret of who they are. Destroying the terrigen cloud ended renewed life as the Inhumans knew it. But do they really know who they are in the first place? Marvel Boy tells them that on Hala, the destroyed Kree Homeworld, the secret lies buried deep. Medusa agrees to go solo, but Iso tries to intervene on the ex-Royal family embarking on a suicide mission. Medusa argues that it was during her rule that ended thirteen millennia of Inhuman growth. She tells Iso that she has Triton and Karnak to help keep order. Flint, a non-royal volunteer and the crew of seven makes their plans to disembark.
   The volunteers say their farewells. Marvel Boy reveals some sinister intentions. Swain, Flint, Crystal, and Gorgon all tell their families goodbye. Medusa tries to tell her husband, former Inhuman King Blackbolt of her sick feelings but decides it can wait. The next morning, their ship departs New Attilan. They were once Kings, Queens.. but now must become Exiles. As they rush to meet their void, Medusa feels it clutch at her. Her powerful and life holding hair begins to break in her fingers and she decides it time to speak it aloud. She's dying she tells the crew of her ship - and with that we're left to be continued.
   The thought of there being an Inhumans title without Medusa is unfathomable to me. I don't know exactly what makes her intriguing but there's something about this character that bonds this still relatively unfamiliar crew of heroes. Whether this is posturing, which I'd probably think it might be given the clues, I guess that of the seven - only six return. Hopefully it's everybody but Marvel Boy. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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