Friday, May 19, 2017

Infamous Iron Man #7

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Alex Maleev
Cover by Alex Maleev
Published April 26, 2017

   The Wizard gathers hordes of C-level villains at a pub called Herbie's to break the news... That Dr. Doom has gone straight. Idea after idea is floated to start a new super villain alliance but as they debate, they hear a loud crash. The new Infamous Iron-Man himself bursts in and starts blasting baddie after baddie. Meanwhile aboard the SHIELD Helicarrier, the Wrecker has arrived seeking asylum. Commander Carter grants him permission (only on the grounds of no fighting) and so,  stepping up to the plate to interrogate him is Benjamin Grimm.
   The Thing grabs him and immediately, the Wrecker confesses he's running from Doom. One by one he killed them. Criminal after criminal and no small potatoes. The Wrecker makes a run for it, and as he trucks through the parking lot, Doom tells him whomever was smart enough to flee would escape his hand, but issues a warning to change his ways. Grimm breaks it to him that all of the villains actually survived, coercing his confession. He rises to attack but is shocked, with Grimm finally congratulating him on being part of the biggest costumed villain takedown in history - care of Doctor Victor Von Doom. Commander Carter asks The Thing if Doom has gone straight and he tells him no. 
   Leaving for the day, Grimm opens his hotel door and sees Doctor Doom's armor standing in the doorway. Victor sits at a table eating and convinces Grimm not to fight him out of the safety of those in the building. He apologizes to him. For everything. For things he said to Benjamin and to the things he said and did to Reed and Sue Richards. Ben offers no forgiveness, asking instead what's happened to Doom. He tells him he had an epiphany and the only way to right all of his wrongs isn't from inside a jail cell. The goal is to get to a place where Ben and SHIELD and any other world organization can call upon him - but he knows it will take time. Ben asks him about what was up with his mother and Doom tells him he honestly doesn't know. He takes his leave before taking a dig at Peter Parker for what he did to the old Baxter Building. Completely baffled, Ben turns around and there sitting at the table now is Reed Richards - and with that, we're left to be continued.
   As I've mentioned for nearly this entire series, it appears this book is solely looking to relaunch the Fantastic Four while somehow keeping the words "Iron Man" in the title. It doesn't make a lot of sense but I don't care. I like it. I like this new Doctor Doom. I like this evil version of Reed Richards from Secret Wars.. I like Ben Grimm working for SHIELD and I like that Johnny Storm is nowhere to be found. Whatever Bendis is doing with this title is working and I don't want him to stop. I don't know if Doom is gonna be a good guy forever, but for now, I give this book a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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