Friday, May 26, 2017

All New Guardians of the Galaxy #1

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Aaron Kudar
Cover by Aaron Kudar
Published May 3, 2017

   On Citiopia, two oddly shaped beings discuss business and the prospects of moving assets to the impenetrable security of the planet when Galactus shows up. Chaos ensues and people run for their lives. As the devourer of worlds get closer, his head opens up and falls against the weapons battery, destroying it. The Guardians of the Galaxy fan out, pleased their plan worked and make their way to the vault. One of the aliens plotting escape sees them running towards him. He realizes they've been tricked but Rocket throws baby Groot at him. The tiny tree looks up and before the guy can pull his weapon, Gamora kicks him in the face.
   Drax the newfound pacifist thinks he'll teach Quill a lesson, but when he destroys the wall the space pirate just immediately grabs the loot and makes a break for it. On the way back to their ship, they have a laugh at a lonesome couple who thought they'd have one more run in the sheets before the apparently now fake Galactus kills everyone. They board the giant ship and speed away, with no seat belts much to the others' chagrin.
   Safely back onboard the Milano, they prepare to rendez-vous with their customer. As they continue on their long wait, they're eventually swallowed by a humongous fish. They exit Quill's starship, ready for anything when they're introduced to the Grandmaster, owner of the most exquisite collection in the Galaxy. Determined to give even the Collector a run for his money, he explains to the Guardians that now it's time for the REAL challenge.To actually steal a Monarch Egg from the Collector himself. Gamora tries to kill him but he zaps her to the floor. Explaining to them that that's the deal, he leaves them. Eventually they all accept that it's either this or wait for the Collector to punish them for sealing form him in the first place.
   The issue wraps with Gamora training and asking Rocket why it is that Groot has been regenerating so slowly. He says he was afraid nobody would notice but he doesn't really know why. He's weaker and sleeps more often. As the page pans out, we see a man in a robe planting what appears to be hundreds of thousands of little Groot twigs and urging them to grow big and strong - and with that we're left to be continued.
   As it's pretty much been discussed ad naseum, this reboot was entirely unnecessary. This is the Fifth relaunch of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the third since 2013 which is ridiculous. If they had brains, this would be at worst the 47th issue from the launch just 3 and a half years ago. But alas, it is what it is. Gerry Duggan - most notable in the past few years as the main guy behind Deadpool - takes over Marvel's most recent film property. And it's not bad. It's pretty much exactly where the other issues were going, short of returning Kitty Pryde, the Thing and Agent Venom to their respective home teams... except for the Fantastic Four of course. Either way, it's probably better than what Brian Michael Bendis was churning out. Where is it heading? Who knows? But I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I give this one a 6/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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