Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Old Man Logan #22

Written by Jeff LemirePenciled by Eric Nguyen
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino
Published Apr 26, 2017

   Wolverine fights Hulk and the Wendigo in his classic yellow and blue costume when he sees the amulet. Not being able to understand why he's saying the things he is, he claws the Wendigo and later goes against Hulk - wishing he could tell him this whole ordeal started from him trying to save Banner's grandson. Hulk throws the amulet and Wolverine runs after it. He finds it just as the Hulk slams him down, and is luckily pulled through the timestream just in time. Unfortunately for him though, it's another memory he doesn't really care to live through again.
   The Dark Phoenix floats above Central Park, controlling the flames and sending the X-Men tumbling away. Logan swore he'd never watch Jeannie die again. As she prepares her final blow, Wolverine tries to call out to her but all he can do is watch. Watch as she leaves in flames and realizes he can't change the past - all he can do is watch. Refusing to see anymore, he grabs the amulet and this time, awakens in his tan and yellow costume in Japan.
   Now this is something he can get excited about. With claws drawn, he takes out scores of Yakuza... this time finally enjoying one of his old memories. Before he can port again this time, there's someone he needs to see. Removing his mask he sees the love of his life - Mariko Yashida. She asks him if he's ok and he said he just missed her. God how he missed her. He kisses her one last time and realizes now he can go. Every leap gets him closer to the wastelands. This time he comes to in the sewers of Madripoor. Patch would recognize that scent anywhere.. And with that we're left to be continued.
   Like I said before, all this makes me want to see is Logan back in one of his "past lives", except all the time. This is a decent change of pace but the more this story develops, I only hope him finding and saving baby Hulk somehow changes enough in whatever alternate timeline to allow him to return to his old self. Much respect to Laura Kinney, she belongs in some other uniform. There's only one real Wolverine and if these issues don't make that point, I don't know what will. I give this one a 9/10 and can't wait for the next one..

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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