Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Avengers #7

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Jeremy Whitley
Cover by Alex Ross
Published May 10, 2017

   Outside the Baxter Building, the Avengers battle a brainless gelatinous monster. Hercules and Thor doubleteam it and it explodes. Spider-Man fears that Wasp was engulfed in slime but she turns out ok. Unfortunately the monster seems to be ok too, until a certain doctor shows up to rid it using magic. Victor Von Doom hovers before them. Falcon readies his team to hit him with everything they have until Wasp nerds out and offers him tea instead of a fight.

   Ten minutes later, the team and their former biggest enemy ever discuss Doom's recent superhero conversion. Nadia continues to gush over the evil genius. Spider-Man thinks it's a trap, but without his spider sense tingling, the group lets their guard down and listens. Doom tells them about recent magical phenomena which Vision confirms. He transports the team, minus Vision to the Susan Storm Camp for Girls Leadership - a place where Doom dares not tread. Instead he disguises Nadia with the mission to infiltrate the counselors, whom he fears are secretly the magic culprits. She finds them and begins to have a conversation.
   As they all talk about their future, one of them grabs her and they hold her down over some sort of mystical pattern. It appears they plan to sacrifice her. When asked for her last words, she lets out a loud "Avengers Assemble" and with haste, the team attacks.

 Doom demands they release her and in the process, the girls adopt their true forms. Victor takes Nadia to the sky while the Avengers fight the girls, trying not to hurt them in the process. As Doom and the Wasp try to come up with a plan, she tells him he can use her shrinking gauntlets to shrink the spell with pinpoint accuracy. he does so and sends the demon back to the dimension it came from - but not before grabbing ahold of the ringleader. Nadia saves her and Doom is refreshed by her goodwill.
   The issue wraps back at the Baxter Building. Falcon and Wasp chat about the episode, while looking through the archives. Nadia find's some of Captain Marvel's old gloves when they happen upon an old crypt. As they joke about what it could be, two hands burst through it - and with that we're left to be continued.

   I'm beyond ecstatic that the Mike Del Mundo era is over for this book. What horrible artwork was paired with at least capable storytelling in Mark Waid. While I think he's slowly transitioning from Del Mundo's style, this art is a substantial upgrade with Jeremy Whitley at the helm. Hopefully he's a long term replacement. As for the story, it's ok. I'm a fan of the Infamous Iron Man book as well so this pairs well. Don't know where it's going but I'll at least bite. I give it a 7/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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