Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tony Stark: Iron Man #7


Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Published Jan 2, 2019

   The Controller has seized control of Tony’s new eScape MMORPG, and using every banned user the system has ever had - to completely wreck havoc.  Unfortunately there’s real victims involved though, from Amanda Armstrong to even the AI Jacosta Pam. Iron Man, War Machine and the Wasp all head for Baintronics to confront the apparent real time puppet master but before they can do that, they have to intervene to save the public. Dan Slott’s genius run on this soon-to-be legendary series continues with sharp artwork from Valerie Schiti. I give this one a 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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