Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Star Wars #20

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Mike Mayhew
Cover by Mike Mayhew
Published Jun 15, 2016
   During the great drought on Tatoine, Jabba the Hut's thugs were defeated by a mysterious hidden Jedi, one master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Years later, he's hired the wookie bounty hunter Black Krrsantan to hunt him down. The first thing the wookie does is kidnap Uncle Owen. He takes him to a canyon and starts beating him when Ben hears what's going on. After trying a failing mind trick, he's knocked to the ground and Obi-Wan is faced with a tough choice.
   If he pulls the light saber, Owen Lars will know him to be a Jedi - knowledge of which will ultimately one day cost him his life. As the battle rages, he realizes he has no choice. Captured, Obi-wan uses the saber to cut through the net the wookie has him in and uses the force to save Owen, who's been thrown off the cliff. He levitates him and uses the sword to fight the bounty hunter. As he's trying to pull him back onto the cliff, he's distracted by the wookie and Owen falls. Rescued at the very last minute by his adopted nephew Luke Skywalker, the battle ends. Black Krrsantan is returned to Jabba as a failure and Owen is able to keep all information of his encounter with the jedi a secret. And with that, the issue concludes.
   The art in this comic book is spectacular. With the departure of Francis Yu who'd penciled the previous two issues, they get back to a realistic aesthetic which earlier issues were known for. I always love these old Obi-Wan stories as well as you can't really go wrong with them. Great issue. I give it a 9/10.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading...

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